August 10, 2022

Peak summer produce is in full swing! Cucumbers, summer squash, peppers, and tomatoes are all in our baskets this week and they are really showing how great summer can be. Just the colors alone make me feel happy! But all of these vegetables are not just pretty, they are so delicious. Nothing tastes as good as perfectly ripe produce harvested at the peak of freshness. So I just want to take a moment to thank everyone at Willowbrook and Whipstone Farms for the incredible work they do each day to put this produce in our baskets every week. From planning planting times and crop rotations to tending tiny seedlings to weeding, harvesting, and washing, so much hard work, dedication, and love goes into bringing this food to our tables. Thank you farmers!

Have a lovely week!

What’s in your basket – August 10th

Carrots – Whipstone Farm
Cucumbers – Whipstone Farm
Kale – Willowbrook Farm
Onions – Willowbrook Farm
Scallions – Whipstone Farm
Summer squash – Whipstone Farm
Sweet Italian peppers – Willowbrook Farm
Tomato mix – Willowbrook Farm

There is just something about bright red tomatoes that feels like magic.

That’s quite an onion!

Willowbrook’s irrigation ditch running red from the rains in Sedona.