This week we have another quintessential early season basket for you. Radishes and salad turnips make the perfect topping for all the salads you are sure to be eating. Both crops add some mildly spicy crunch that is refreshing as the days get warmer. Dill is another great addition for salads, or use it to whip up a batch of homemade ranch dressing. If you prefer to eat your radishes and turnips whole, they will be absolutely delicious when dipped in some fresh ranch. We have spinach again this week so we can enjoy as much of it as possible before the season passes. If you are a bit overwhelmed by the volume, spinach freezes easily for adding to recipes throughout the year. Bok choy and kale round out this very green basket.
We are so grateful to all of you for supporting the CSA this season. We hope to see all of your faces this week as everyone gets into the rhythm of the weekly pickup schedule. If you struggle to remember CSA pickup time, we encourage you to set a calendar reminder or alarm on your phone so you don’t miss out.
Our 12-week flower share begins on June 12th and the extraordinary bouquets for Whipstone Farm are not to be missed. If you have not signed up yet for flowers and would like to, just shoot me an email. Check out the photo below to see some recent bouquets.
Have a fun week!
What’s in your basket – May 29th
Dill – Whipstone Farm
Head lettuce – Willowbrook Farm
Kale – Willowbrook Farm
Radishes – Willowbrook Farm
Salad turnips – Whipstone Farm
Spinach – Whipstone Farm
Beautiful head lettuce this week.
Hilary has already planted over 400 tomato plants at Willowbrook Farm. Here’s hoping for an abundant tomato harvest!
Morning in the kale forest.
There are only a few more weeks until Whipstone Farm’s flower share begins!