For those of you new to some of these vegetables, garlic scapes are the flowering stalks of garlic plants and have a mild garlic flavor. You can use them fresh or cooked, and they are delicious in salads, sautéed with other vegetables, or in place of garlic in any recipe. Kohlrabi is related to broccoli and cabbage and is so tasty. I love to eat the bulb peeled and sliced into sticks with ranch dressing, but it can be used in many ways. The leaves can cooked like collard greens and the stems and bulb can be chopped and sautéed, roasted, or used in soups. Pea shoots can be added to salads or eaten on sandwiches. Please feel free to return the pea shoot containers next week, as Camptown Greens can reuse them since they are not recyclable.
Flower shares begin next week, June 14th, and it is not too late to sign up for one! Whipstone Farm’s bouquets are absolutely gorgeous and I’ve included some photos below. If you are interested in adding a flower share to your weekly pickup, please email us at [email protected].
Have a wonderful week!
What’s in your basket – June 7th
Bing cherries – Fasteen Farm
Garlic scapes – Willowbrook Farm
Kale – Willowbrook Farm
Kohlrabi – Whipstone Farm
Pea shoots – Camptown Greens
Radishes – Willowbrook Farm
Scallions – Whipstone Farm
Holy moly! We have cherries!
Baby pea shoots at Camptown Greens.
This butter head lettuce from Willowbrook Farm looks incredible.
Summer squash are starting to bloom.
And more tomatoes are headed out into the fields.
Whipstone Farm’s flower bouquets are absolute magic.
Don’t miss out on flower shares!