Our last week of the season is here and what a wonderful season it has been! We are so grateful to all of you for supporting the local farms that supply our produce, especially our primary farms, Willowbrook and Whipstone. Without Hope and Hilary at Willowbrook and Shanti and Cory (and their crew) at Whipstone, this CSA would not exist. I am so appreciative of the countless hours of planning, digging, planting, weeding, harvesting, washing, and packaging they spend throughout the year to bring each week’s share to our plates.
Thank you also to our supplemental growers that have brought so much variety throughout the season. All these local farmers are the lifeblood of our communities. They preserve our open spaces, protect our soil and water resources, encourage biodiversity, maintain the rural and agricultural roots of the area, and supply us with delicious, nutritious food. And we simply could not make our distribution work without the dedication and hard work of Jacob Rozum, who delivers all of our produce to the distribution sites. Thank you Jacob! Thanks also to our volunteers in Sedona and Cornville for distributing your produce each week. We couldn’t do it without you!
If you will be joining us again next season please reserve your share before November 15th. You can either use the online signup form or print out and return an Early Bird Contract. Please remember that we need to receive your $50 non-refundable deposit to reserve your share. We are so grateful for your support of the CSA and we have loved serving all of you this season. Thanks for being part of our community!
Have a wonderful week. I hope to see you next season!
MeghanWhat’s in your basket – October 12th
Butternut squash – Willowbrook Farm
Cucumbers – Willowbrook Farm
Green beans– Willowbrook FarmKale – Willowbrook Farm
Leeks– Whipstone Farm
Onions – Willowbrook Farm
Pepper mix – Willowbrook FarmPotatoes – Whipstone Farm
Salad mix – Willowbrook Farm
Seed garlic ready for planting. The planting for next season’s crop begins now!
Salad mix is back for one last hurrah!
The cover crop cycle has reached its end.