It is our penultimate week of the 2021 season, and I am starting to think about how to feed my family this fall and winter. I love the CSA model because it takes the choice out of local food purchasing. I just get a beautiful assortment of delicious food each week. What could be better?! As the CSA season ends and we must begin picking our own produce again, I am grateful that we have thriving farmers’ markets and local food resources in our area. For produce, I rely on Interdependence Natural Foods and Sedona Community Farmers’ Market through the winter. Most produce needs can be met between the two, and both have a good selection of other local foods as well. You can find pecans, mushrooms, honey, herbs, cheese, and more at these locations. One of our egg suppliers, the wonderful Sunnyside Farm, sells eggs and pastured poultry at the Sedona Community Farmers’ Market through the winter season. Sunnyside also raises pastured beef and pork, so please connect with them if you are looking for local meat. Other local food resources can be found on our
Local Food Guide.
If you haven’t already, please sign up for the 2022 CSA season. We will begin contacting those on our waitlist on November 15th and we only have 60 shares available, so please secure your spot before then. You can sign up for the 2022 season here. There is also a printable version of the Early Bird Contract available through that link if you prefer to print and mail your contract.
Have a fabulous week!
What’s in your basket – October 6th
Apples – Mario Velaruz
Bok choy – Whipstone Farm
Carrots – Whipstone Farm
Onions – Whipstone Farm
Salanova head lettuce – Willowbrook Farm
Spaghetti squash – Fasteen Farms
Sweet bell peppers – Whipstone Farm
Tomatoes – Whipstone Farm

Harvest time at Whipstone Farm.

Willowbrook Farm tomato patch before…

… and after. As the season ends, the fields are cleared.

Holy marigolds! What a wonderful flower year it has been.