For the first time this season, we don’t have any lettuce. What a good run we had. It will likely be back in your baskets in a week or two, so don’t worry. You’ll be struggling to keep up with your salad mix again soon! Tomatoes are still going strong and will be for a good while. Swiss chard is finishing up for the season, so this may be our last week getting it, but kale will still be in your baskets for a while yet. Cucumbers are just coming in, so it’s a great time for greek salads and gazpacho.
This week I want to send special thanks to our volunteers – Charles, Jessica, Jon, Terrilyn, Hope, and Hilary. Every week, rain or shine, they are there to prepare your shares with smiling faces. Last week’s storm dealt them some especially difficult conditions and we are so grateful for their commitment and dedication. And we appreciate your patience as our volunteers sometimes need to adjust the distribution for everyone’s safety.
Payments for the second half of the season are due this Wednesday, July 21st. This is the absolute last call for anyone who would like to drop their share at the midway point of the season. Please let us know ASAP if you won’t be joining us for the second half.
Have a wonderful week!
What’s in your basket – July 21st
Carrots – Whipstone Farm
Cherry tomatoes – Willowbrook Farm
Cucumbers – Willowbrook Farm
Leeks – Whipstone Farm
Plums – Marilyn’s Orchard
Shishito peppers – Willowbrook Farm
Swiss chard – Whipstone Farm
Tomatoes – Willowbrook Farm

Cucumbers are loving this humid weather.
A Say’s Phoebe is nesting among the cherry tomatoes at Willowbrook Farm!
More beautiful bouquets.
No food waste here! The chickens at Willowbrook love split cherry tomatoes.