The cloudy, hot, humid days are heralding the start of monsoon season and I am so happy it’s here! I love this time of year and the change of pace it brings to the hot summer days. I am hoping the monsoons stay strong into August though, because I am currently on the road for the next two weeks with my family. We are taking a leisurely drive up to Glacier National Park in Montana and visiting other parks and monuments and family and friends along the way. My dispatches will be much shorter for the next two weeks as a result.
Enjoy this week’s bounty and please remember that payments for the second half of the season are due this Thursday. If you are not yet paid in full please check your email for the invoice we sent last week. Also, this is the time of season when you can add or increase your egg share if so desired. If you would like to add an egg share or adjust the amount you are receiving each week, please let me know. Thanks!
Have a great week!
What’s in your basket – July 17th
Arugula – Whipstone Farm
Garlic – Willowbrook Farm
Garlic – Willowbrook Farm
Parsley – Whipstone Farm
Plums – Marilyn’s Orchard
Radishes – Whipstone Farm
Rainbow carrots – Whipstone Farm
Salad mix – Willowbrook Farm
Summer squash – Willowbrook Farm
Plums – Marilyn’s Orchard
Radishes – Whipstone Farm
Rainbow carrots – Whipstone Farm
Salad mix – Willowbrook Farm
Summer squash – Willowbrook Farm
Tatsoi – Whipstone Farm

A great looking carrot crop at Whipstone.
Mating ladybugs on the pepper plants at Willowbrook.
Hilary making last week’s bunches of kale.
Emerging cicada on the almost ready shishito peppers.