Good news for flower share members – flowers are back this week! We appreciate your patience as Whipstone Farm has focused on recovering after the big storm, and are so happy that our farmers can rely on dedicated CSA members to be there through thick and thin.
We are taking a break from fruit and summer squash this week, but there are other repeat veggies to keep you busy. This time of year is full of such bounty that you will often be getting the same items week after week. If you are looking for extras of any items for preserving, such as tomatoes, peaches, cucumbers, or anything else, please check out our Local Food Guide to get farmers’ direct contact information or catch them at the farmers’ markets. I am currently drying and freezing peaches as fast as I can, and then I’ll be on to tomatoes to can my yearly stash of ketchup and sauce. This time of year certainly keeps us all busy!
Enjoy your week!
What’s in your basket – August 9th
Cherry tomatoes – Willowbrook Farm
Onions – Willowbrook Farm
Parsley – Whipstone Farm
Potatoes – Sanders’ Farm
Shishito peppers – Willowbrook Farm
Tomatoes – Willowbrook Farm

Things are looking sunnier at Whipstone Farm.
We hope you’re not getting too tired of summer squash yet. There’s a reason it has “summer” in the name!
The bees love the flowering corn at Willowbrook Farm.
Whipstone’s squash blossoms are being served up at the Turquoise Room in Winslow. Not a bad excuse to head up to La Posada.