Here we are, in our very last week of the season. What a year! Thanks to all of you for joining us on the journey of local farming. It was a wonderful season, and just like all those that came before, it was unlike any before. There is no predictability and no crystal ball that lets us know how the season will go, so thank you again for sharing in all the joy and the risk of producing food. We couldn’t do it without you!
Please join me in giving thanks to our wonderful farmers: Shanti and Cory (and their children and interns) at Whipstone Farm, Hope, Hilary, and Denise at Willowbrook Farm, and all the other growers that have shared their bounty with us this season: Sanders Farm, Bent River Ranch, Oak Creek Apples, Zopilote Produce, The Ubiquitous Bee Company, Tickaboo Ranch, and Verde Run Farms. I am also so grateful to the volunteers that distribute your shares each week: Jean Turocy and Jon Howe in Sedona, and Skip and Terrilyn Larson and Hope, Hilary, and Denise in Cornville (and Camp Verde), as well as Josh Rozum, who brings the produce from Whipstone Farm and delivers all the shares to Sedona. We could not make it happen without all of these wonderful people! And special thanks to Hilary, who not only shares the work of growing at Willowbrook Farm, but also runs the whole financial and logistical side of the CSA. What an amazing team of dedicated local food lovers!
We hope that you can all join us on Wednesday for our annual end-of-the-season potluck. Hilary and I (and maybe Hope) will be in Sedona, and Denise will be in Cornville, so you will all get an opportunity to visit with the people who have been growing your food. If you pick up your share in Camp Verde, please let us know if you would like to pick up your share at either the Sedona or Cornville potluck by Tuesday at noon. We look forward to sharing a delicious array of foods with our shareholders and volunteers and sending out the season with a bang!
Thank you for an amazing season!
What’s in your basket – October 12th
Butternut squash – Willowbrook Farm
Garlic – Willowbrook Farm
Padron or shishito peppers – Willowbrook Farm
Radishes – Whipstone Farm
Salad mix – Willowbrook Farm
Spaghetti squash – Whipstone Farm
Tomatoes – Willowbrook Farm

Shanti visited Italy for the Slow Food International conference
a few weeks ago. Gotta love their slogan!

I love spaghetti squash!
Peppers are still going strong.
The next generation.