Using primarily dry-farming techniques and permaculture planting, farmer Mike Spielman is selecting and saving seed from a wide range of heirloom varieties to create a completely local library of drought-tolerant seeds. Most impressively, the farm has a conscience. One third of the produce is served in the Verde Valley School dining hall, another third is sold through farmer’s markets and restaurants, and the remaining third is donated to food insecure children through the Yavapai Food Council. It is truly inspiring to see the passion and dedication of the community through this farm and all that it represents. I hope that you will all take more time to learn about Verde Valley School Farm and support its vision. As a VVS alum, I am so proud to see what is being accomplished through the simple act of growing food.
With only two more weeks left this season, it is time to reserve your spot for our 2017 CSA. Next year’s CSA will run from May 17th-October 11th. We hope you will join us for another season of delicious local food! If you would like to sign up, please fill out the Early Bird Contract and return it along with a $50 deposit by October 12th.
Have an amazing week!
What’s in your basket – September 28th
Butternut squash – Willowbrook Farm
Carrots – Whipstone Farm
Eggplant – Willowbrook Farm
Head lettuce – Whipstone Farm
Salad turnips – Whipstone Farm
Scallions – Whipstone Farm
Sweet peppers – Whipstone Farm
Tomato mix – Willowbrook Farm

If you’re interested in 50 pounds of storage onions to last through the winter, get in touch with Whipstone Farm.
Shelling black eyed peas.
Verde Valley School Farm.