I am very excited this week for green beans. I’ve been keeping track of Whipstone Farm’s bean progress, which had a few hiccups this year, and keeping my fingers crossed that we would enjoy some of these delicious beans. As you can see in the photo below, their bean plants look beautiful, with no signs of the insects that plagued them earlier in the summer.
Farming is such a gamble that way. One planting might get decimated by grasshoppers, a second pounded by rain, and a third grows without any trouble at all, perhaps right next to another row of plants that is now the insect feast du jour. Especially with organic farming, we are at the whim of many, many factors. Sometimes it seems like a marvel that any of that food makes it our way! But our skilled farmers have seen it all, and somehow, week after week, they deliver not just food, but beautiful, delicious, nutritious food that beats all the rest. Three cheers for our farmers!
Speaking of unforeseen issues with produce, if you ever have problems with any of the items in your basket, please let me know. If it is isolated, then we just have to say, “Oh well. The bugs snuck in there and got it.” But if multiple shareholders report an issue with the same produce we can offer replacements. So do let me know if you have any issues. Thanks!
Enjoy your week!
What’s in your basket – September 14th
Carrots – Whipstone Farm
Cucumbers – Willowbrook Farm
Eggplant – Willowbrook Farm
Green Beans – Whipstone Farm
Onions – Willowbrook Farm
Salad mix – Willowbrook Farm
Summer squash – Whipstone Farm
Sweet mini peppers – Whipstone Farm

New beds planted and covered. There is always another crop to plant!
Field of beans.
So much green!
We’ll be enjoying these tiny little lettuces in just a few weeks.